King of Diamonds Strip Club is Coming to Ocean Drive, And Neighbors Are Really Pissed

June 24, 2016

The Netherland Hotel. Via Flickr/Pablo FJ.

The Netherland Hotel. Via Flickr/Pablo FJ.

The notorious King of Diamonds, the Tremont Towing of strip clubs (recent press mentions covered the absence of building permits for the 60,000 square foot N. Miami club, a teen party hosted at the club, celebrity partying, and a legal battle between management and the litigation rights of its strippers) is opening in a space on Ocean Drive, in the historic Netherland Hotel. Construction noise at the future venue, a frequent neighbor complaint for any development, is according to reports is exceptionally loud and inconsiderate. Afraid that the King of Diamonds on Ocean Drive will be anything like the Noth Miami location, a public meeting is being held nearby at Il Villaggio on July 27th at 5 PM.

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