While OJ Simpson waits to find out whether he will get a fresh start, the house he bought in 2000 in order to get a previous fresh start, is getting a fresh start. After his famous 1995 murder acquittal, he moved to Miami to live “a quieter life,” purchasing the home at 9450 SW 112th Street in 2000. As everyone knows, the quiet life didn’t work out for Mr. Simpson and he went to prison in 2008, later losing his quiet Kendall home to foreclosure. Tomorrow, he will find out whether he gets another fresh start via parole hearing, but his former home is already well on its way to a new life.
The home is actually quite lovely, although lacking character today. The house flippers who bought it out of foreclosure have done well to remove any hint of the home’s famous former owner, leaving a blank slate for the new owner. It was originally built in 1953 and renovated in 2014-2015, so has very good bones with contemporary finishes and fixtures.
Despite being located on busy Killian Parkway, the home sits on a large 1.65 acre lot, which allows a feeling of privacy. The lot also has many mature palm trees, a half basketball court and a poolside guest cottage. It was purchased via foreclosure auction for $513,200 in 2014 and was listed in November of 2016 for $1,475,000 but has been reduced to $1,299,900. The jury is still out on what the investors spent to remove every trace of OJ from the place… what do you think?
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